Christians are sneaky. Not to put anything past them, they do think of everything. For example, the responses to questions or everyday situations. Observe:
"Why am I alive"
C: Because god is good.
"Why is this person dead"
C: Because god has a plan.
Then everything else is about the bible, for example:
What about the dinosaurs?
C:Ridiculous. No where in the bible does it speak of Dinosaurs.
They couldnt of worked it in there somewhere and blamed the devil? You know why they arent in the bible? Because no one was looking for them back when the bible was made. Then it got to the point where they couldnt fit it in anywhere, so deny it. If god made everything else, couldnt he have made dinosaurs? Then raises the question then if everything was created by one person. Deny the existing and believe in the fabled? Im not saying no one can have their own beliefs but I can hold a fossil in my hand.
Also, for these people only what appears in the bible is true and real. So what about cars? I dont think cars (automobile machines) are listed anywhere in the bible, yet priests roll around in their gold plated cadillacs. Gold plated! Think im lying? When I used to go to church our priest had a gold watch and a cadillac with gold trim. Glad I never tithed. You have people scraping by on food stamps going to church and donating, thinking something has to come out of it, then at the end of service they walk to the bus stop and the priest clicks on his little remote to start his car so that by the time he gets in its aleady warmed up and toasty inside.
I had a friend, bless his heart, ask me if I really believed in dinosaurs! I was pretty much in shock to the point of laughing, then said "Of course I do, they find fossils everyday!" But he could not grasp, because it wasnt written in the bible.
I cant believe simply because I thrive for knowledge. I dont want to be limited in my thinking because if I do I cannot learn. And if youre not learning, youre dead. Maybe thats the meaning of life. To learn as much as you can and put it to good use, let others benefit.
Does being an athiest make me a bad person? I dont think so. I am a compassionate human being. I care for everyone, except the ignorant. See, ignorance isnt portrayed through color, race or gender. Ignorance is hating someone based on these, not really knowing or wanting to know the person. Only reading the cover then moving on to the next aisle of books. I can dislike someone because they are hating on a particular race because its wrong.
Also, you do not own anyone else. You are not anyones king. So why do you insist on thinking for others?
"Gays can not marry one another because its not right, its not in the bible! The bible says that marriage is between a man and a woman!"
What do you care? Its not your life. Theyre not knocking on your door every morning announcing their sexuality. Even if you recognize someone as a homosexual, so what? Do you think they hate straight people? Maybe just the straight people who hate on them.
An eye for an eye, isnt that how it goes? I have gay friends and family and am fine with it, doesnt bother me in the least.
Its time to wake up everyone, embrace reality, Ignorance Kills.