Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Blog Pics

It has recently occurred to me that everyone in the world has a better digital camera than I do. I sometimes pass the time clicking on the 'next blog' button and come accross ppls blogs that have pics of various subjects, usually just of their vacation to the bahamas or lounging around at home. But the quality of their pics are very good. Now I can figure that some of these ppl might have been taking pictures for a long time, but some of them look awesome and only fuel my envy. My patience drops and I get more and more anxious to get a bad ass camera. Dont get me wrong. I was given my current camera by my sister and bro in law last xmas and was thrilled to have a digital camera finally, but I think I have somewhat outgrown it in a sense for the types of pictures I want to take. I want to evoke emotion in my pictures, similar to the ones you find in Time. I want them to make you get lost for a second, to analyze and appreciate them. As hard as I try to, no matter what I picture in my mind, I cant convey that into my pictures.
The camera Im 'saving up for' is a Konica Minolta blah blah blah its a kick ass camera and seems to be everything I am looking for. Higher megapixel then my 3.1, zoom lens, etc. Leaps and bounds over my current camera. One day.

Friday, November 25, 2005

Faith in inanimate objects

Every so often, religious folks need to rejuvenize their faith. And so the hallucinations begin, often seeing images in the most unlikely places. Below are just a few examples.

jesus in a fishbone

jesus in the bathroom - the guy put this up for auction starting at $1,999. Amazingly he's gotten Zero bids.

truckin' jesus

virgin mary on a tree

jesus in a window - tilt your head and squint. if that doesnt work, congratulations youre sane!

xray jesus

Holy Roaster!

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Eyes Open

You read about it happening to other ppl, never really thinking it could happen to you. Then, one day, BOOM! Today, I was almost phished. It started out with an email from paypal. The subject said something like: "Email address added to your account!"
Thinking to myself that I havent added one to my paypal account, I opened the email and in the body it read that "you have added peter_beggs@yahoo.com as a new email address for your paypal account." Now I know somethings wrong. Then at the bottom of the email it states "If you did not authorize this change or if you need assistance with your account, please contact PayPal customer service at: "https://www.paypal.com/us/wf/f=ap_email"
So I click on the link and it takes me to a login screen. Like a moron I login cos it looks like the paypal login (except there is no address bar..hmm). After logging in I am taken to a page where it says something along the lines of "We are conducting maintenance on our website and need to verify your account information." Then below it has empty fields next to "credit card number", "account number", "Bank PIN"(!!??) That immediately sent the sirens off inside b/c I remember reading that paypal would never ask for account information for verification. So, to shorten the story I followed the directions from the legit site (typed the URL in, no links) and forwarded the email to one of their email addresses. In no time they responded and said that, sure enough, the email was fake. I went in immediately and changed my security settings and passwords so the pieces of shit couldnt do any damage. Word to the wise, be vigilant.

Monday, November 14, 2005

A beam of light breaks through the clouds...

On November 10th TOOL's website announced that the much anticipated DVD Schism single will be released in December sometime, not the 20th as was reported on other sites. I, for one, am glad that Blair made the distinction because there would have been a riot at music stores around the world on that day if it wasnt there. The DVD is said to have not only the awesomely crazy trademark TOOL video Schism, but also the wicked Parabol/Parabola vid as well from the genius Adam Jones. What a package! And for those of you crying about the Live DVD not yet released, a true TOOL fan must be patient, for the band makes available only what is done right and of the highest quality. I was in Albuquerque, NM the night Maynard announced that that show was being recorded for the upcoming DVD and havent been able to sleep since. Im gonna wait it out...and be patient.

Friday, November 11, 2005

Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children. This is not a way of life at all in any true sense. Under the clouds of war, it is humanity hanging on a cross of iron.
-Dwight Eisenhower 1953 speech-

Theres no love in fear

Read this from netscape I mean really, heres a prime example of the hatred and hypocrisy in religion.

Pat Robertson Warns Pa. Town of Disaster?

Pat Robertson is threatening a town because school board members struck down intelligent design to be taught in schools. For those just born in the past 2 hours, intelligent design is the belief that the universe is so complex that it must have been created by a higher power. Huh?
Hey Pat you better hope there isnt a god because you'll surely burn in hell. I think youve done enough in your lifetime on behalf of god that is just shameful.

Imagine there's no heaven,
It's easy if you try,
No hell below us,
Above us only sky,
Imagine all the people
living for today...

Imagine there's no countries,
It isnt hard to do,
Nothing to kill or die for,
No religion too,
Imagine all the people
living life in peace...

Imagine no possesions,
I wonder if you can,
No need for greed or hunger,
A brotherhood of man,
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world...

You may say Im a dreamer,
but Im not the only one,
I hope some day you'll join us,
And the world will live as one.

- John Lennon

Ignorance Kills

Christians are sneaky. Not to put anything past them, they do think of everything. For example, the responses to questions or everyday situations. Observe:

"Why am I alive"

C: Because god is good.

"Why is this person dead"

C: Because god has a plan.

Then everything else is about the bible, for example:

What about the dinosaurs?

C:Ridiculous. No where in the bible does it speak of Dinosaurs.

They couldnt of worked it in there somewhere and blamed the devil? You know why they arent in the bible? Because no one was looking for them back when the bible was made. Then it got to the point where they couldnt fit it in anywhere, so deny it. If god made everything else, couldnt he have made dinosaurs? Then raises the question then if everything was created by one person. Deny the existing and believe in the fabled? Im not saying no one can have their own beliefs but I can hold a fossil in my hand.

Also, for these people only what appears in the bible is true and real. So what about cars? I dont think cars (automobile machines) are listed anywhere in the bible, yet priests roll around in their gold plated cadillacs. Gold plated! Think im lying? When I used to go to church our priest had a gold watch and a cadillac with gold trim. Glad I never tithed. You have people scraping by on food stamps going to church and donating, thinking something has to come out of it, then at the end of service they walk to the bus stop and the priest clicks on his little remote to start his car so that by the time he gets in its aleady warmed up and toasty inside.
I had a friend, bless his heart, ask me if I really believed in dinosaurs! I was pretty much in shock to the point of laughing, then said "Of course I do, they find fossils everyday!" But he could not grasp, because it wasnt written in the bible.
I cant believe simply because I thrive for knowledge. I dont want to be limited in my thinking because if I do I cannot learn. And if youre not learning, youre dead. Maybe thats the meaning of life. To learn as much as you can and put it to good use, let others benefit.
Does being an athiest make me a bad person? I dont think so. I am a compassionate human being. I care for everyone, except the ignorant. See, ignorance isnt portrayed through color, race or gender. Ignorance is hating someone based on these, not really knowing or wanting to know the person. Only reading the cover then moving on to the next aisle of books. I can dislike someone because they are hating on a particular race because its wrong.
Also, you do not own anyone else. You are not anyones king. So why do you insist on thinking for others?
"Gays can not marry one another because its not right, its not in the bible! The bible says that marriage is between a man and a woman!"
What do you care? Its not your life. Theyre not knocking on your door every morning announcing their sexuality. Even if you recognize someone as a homosexual, so what? Do you think they hate straight people? Maybe just the straight people who hate on them.
An eye for an eye, isnt that how it goes? I have gay friends and family and am fine with it, doesnt bother me in the least.
Its time to wake up everyone, embrace reality, Ignorance Kills.