Faith in inanimate objects
Every so often, religious folks need to rejuvenize their faith. And so the hallucinations begin, often seeing images in the most unlikely places. Below are just a few examples.
jesus in a fishbone

jesus in the bathroom - the guy put this up for auction starting at $1,999. Amazingly he's gotten Zero bids.

truckin' jesus

virgin mary on a tree

jesus in a window - tilt your head and squint. if that doesnt work, congratulations youre sane!

xray jesus

Holy Roaster!
jesus in a fishbone

jesus in the bathroom - the guy put this up for auction starting at $1,999. Amazingly he's gotten Zero bids.

truckin' jesus

virgin mary on a tree

jesus in a window - tilt your head and squint. if that doesnt work, congratulations youre sane!

xray jesus

Holy Roaster!

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