It had been more than 2 years but I finally made it back to Deming, New Mexico - the locale of most of my family. I wish it was a happy trip. My grandmother became ill, and we made the 12 hour drive to be with her. Unfortunately, 2 days after we arrived, my grandmother passed at the age of 83. I took happiness that I was able to show her pictures of my son that she had only seen once when he was a baby and my daughter whom she never got to meet. In her weakened condition, her eyes lit up and her frail arms reached and she grasped the pictures - holding them in front of her so she could see. As weak as she was she could still do such things, also being able to wave at visitors, including me.
With her issues, the hospital could do no more for her and it was decided she would be sent home to my Aunt's house. Hearing this news, her eyes lit up once again and her demeanor changed, even managing a smile now and then. After monitoring her closely for 24 hours, it was decided to remove her oxygen and she was only supposed to last another 30 mins. 2 hours passed and she was still breathing on her own. Everyone was asked to wait outside of the room to allow her to rest. Sure enough, a short time later, she took her last breath.
Going back to Deming was quite an experience. While I was sad about my grandmother, I was also happy to visit with family - cousins who had their own children, other cousins who grew from knee height since the last time I saw them. I was happy to see Aunt's and Uncle's whom I never felt closer to. I went to my cousins Mariachi concert and watched her play violin. I was in the room when she played for my grandmother. I experienced alot of things and alot of emotions. Im grateful to my grandmother for everything she did for me and my family, and for allowing me to go back to Deming and experience the Family element I didnt know I was missing.

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