
OK, this got under my skin so I decided to post.
I bought my son War of the Monsters (2003) for the PS2 sometime last year. We've enjoyed playing, he more than I, and he's gotten to the point where he can beat it with any monster and has unlocked many a new monster and levels, etc. Each time you beat a level you get about 5 - 6,000 points, but the last level you receive 30 - 60,000 points which is good news considering the unlockable monsters are at 200,000 points.
The excitement my son gets when he unlocks a new monster or gets to buy a new monster costume is fun to watch. We've gotten to the point where there are no more items to unlock, except one costume for a character named Agamo - which is some sort of rock monster. When you select the "Special" item you receive a message that simply says "You can not unlock this item here!" So here we are getting as many points as possible, unlocking anything that can be unlocked, beating the game countless times with each character, still nothing.
Fed up, I look up this game on the 'net to find a hint of some sort on how to unlock the last monster costume. I find several sites and each say the same thing : "Agamo's fourth costume (Mecha-Sweet Tooth) Have a Twisted Metal Black save on your memory card where you have beaten the game with Sweet Tooth".
This is the dumbest thing I've ever heard of. I buy a game in 2006 that was made in 2003 and the only way to unlock the last character is to have beaten another unrelated (as far as genre) game from 2001 and have beaten it with a specific character. On top of that, having saved that crap on my already overloaded but brand new memory card. To state my opinion again, I have never heard of anything so dumb.
The game is fun and all for what it is, and the new monsters you get to unlock are pretty cool. But the premise behind linking two unrelated games together that way is rubbish. I was going to send an email (write a letter) to incognito, the makers, but it seems like I'd just recieve a "we're sorry you feel that way, but..." reply.
Also, going through the 'net and forums, no one else seems bothered by it. Probably because other players of the game had probably already had and beaten Twisted Metal Black so unlocking it was no problem. Now, I'm left with the choice of buying Twisted metal black and beating it with that specific character just so I can unlock the last item on War of the Monsters. Basically, falling into the makers' evil plan to make more money. But I guess its a small price to pay to see your 5 year old get excited to unlock that last monster. Fuck you anyway Incognito.
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