Sunday, November 20, 2005

Eyes Open

You read about it happening to other ppl, never really thinking it could happen to you. Then, one day, BOOM! Today, I was almost phished. It started out with an email from paypal. The subject said something like: "Email address added to your account!"
Thinking to myself that I havent added one to my paypal account, I opened the email and in the body it read that "you have added as a new email address for your paypal account." Now I know somethings wrong. Then at the bottom of the email it states "If you did not authorize this change or if you need assistance with your account, please contact PayPal customer service at: ""
So I click on the link and it takes me to a login screen. Like a moron I login cos it looks like the paypal login (except there is no address bar..hmm). After logging in I am taken to a page where it says something along the lines of "We are conducting maintenance on our website and need to verify your account information." Then below it has empty fields next to "credit card number", "account number", "Bank PIN"(!!??) That immediately sent the sirens off inside b/c I remember reading that paypal would never ask for account information for verification. So, to shorten the story I followed the directions from the legit site (typed the URL in, no links) and forwarded the email to one of their email addresses. In no time they responded and said that, sure enough, the email was fake. I went in immediately and changed my security settings and passwords so the pieces of shit couldnt do any damage. Word to the wise, be vigilant.


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