Monday, January 15, 2007

Where does the path lead?

the motion keeps my heart runningthe motion keeps my heart running Hosted on Zooomr

If you haven't read the rest of my blog to this point you really have no idea who I am, unless you know me already (right xav?). Each submission, as zany and rant-ish as they might be, reflect my personal being. One thing, the main thing, is music.

From as long as I "can't" remember I've been singing. I started singing along to my dad's r&b records, then it all went to fuck all so I found rock. I had always listened to mainstream rock in bits and pieces but r&b was always on the fore front. Then r&b lived up to its moniker of "rap and bullcrap" when it became more about the beat and a catchy hook then actual feeling and emotion. No longer were r&b groups singing about love, now it became what could get played in a club. "Where's the bacardi at?(????)" It became more about rock hard abs and dancing then harmonies and accapella. I used to go to the mall and peruse the r&b section of the music stores for less-known groups, but now the line is blurred - all the emotion compromised for a club hit. Now I can't stand the new bullshit. I still appreciate the old songs but its not the same.

For the past few years I've been listening to "rock". Again, not the crap on the radio. I try to find quality music. I have also changed my outlook on the world completely. I admit the culprit was undoubtedly the X and Acid I took while at parties, my all time favorite moment in life ever. They really did open my mind up. Any who, The point of this rant is to wonder how far of a path I have to follow to realize my dream, my passion - music. I seem to get close but then it slips away. I know it is up to me to make it happen. I can't really on anyone anymore. I want to make music that people can get lost in. Who can smoke a bowl and lay down in a bed of speakers that are pumping out my songs. Progressive music is my dream, I must attain. To be continued....

Friday, January 12, 2007

I have returned.

life feeds on life feeds on feeds on life feeds on life... Hosted on Zooomr

Zooomr is giving bloggers free pro accounts for massive photo uploads, so I decided to revive my blog. From now on though, most if not all the pictures I post will be mine. I have another blog: which was for nothing but pics since I didnt have a pro account, plus I didnt want to all of a sudden start writing on that blog and break the flow.

So, in this "blogger revival" I would like to thank Zooomr for being cool enough to give away free pro accounts so that I can upload as many pics as possible.

And awaaay we go!!