Free The Music

I finally brought my laptop back up to functionality after about a month of downtime. From one moment to the next it just decided to go to the blue screen of death, and it never recovered. Anyway i was surfing online with my wife and she was telling me about Fiona Apple's latest album. How her record company (and this info is all derived from the net) was not going to release the album due to the lack of radio friendly songs. So forget about the fans, who would buy the album regardless, right?. Lets concentrate on appealing to people who wouldnt appreciate her real music. Can the suits not see the potential? This is not her first album. Theyre going to make more than she will regardless if it does well or not. What about the other artists out there whose first album bombs and then they end up oweing the suits? Fuck marketing. Fuck appeal. A records going to sell if the music is quality. Its not their fault people cant understand good music. Now im not the biggest Fiona fan. I like a few of her songs. I do, however, respect her individuality and the emotion in her music, what ever the content. Fight the hell out of the label, TOOL fought their label, and they put out whatever they want. And you know what? It sells. No marketing, maybe a single here and there to feed the frenzy, but never a compromise. Ill buy the album no matter what. I've said it before and I'll say it again: Tool can shit in a paper bag and I'd buy it! So, for crying out loud Free the music. Let the music sell itself.