As with other blogs...

..This one is generalized. Not really fixated on one topic. Depending on what mood I'm in will drive what's being reflected in your eyes.
For starters allow me to explain the title, 'The End Is Near', taken from a line from Tool's 'Aenema' album. Even though I am a fan of anything and everything Tool, that's got to be one of my favorite songs. If you don't know the band or the song, go to their site or buy all of their albums and open your mind, Warning: There is no turning back.
As for the name, '', I write poetry/lyrics/rants as often as my brain allows and one of them is titled 'Fear in Numbers'. Maybe one of these days I will build up the guts to post some of my stuff, all copyrighted of course.
I will add more as the days pass, be patient....
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